
Energy Transition A global shift towards cleaner and more sustainable sources of energy, aiming to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and embrace a future powered by renewable and low-carbon technologies.

May 31 2023
Energy Transition

Solar, Wind Covered Belgium’s Entire Electricity Demand

Our high-voltage transmission operator Elia announced on their LinkedIn page that Belgium provided enough solar and wind electricity on May 29th to cover the country’s entire demand for the first time ever. 

Landscape photography of grass field with windmills under orange sunset.

Landscape photography of grass field with windmills under orange sunset.

The record took place between 1:00 pm and 1:30 pm. Together, solar and wind generated 8.303 MW. For example, instead of shutting down windmills if there is too much electricity, a customer oriented market model would mean that everyone can benefit from such low or even negative prices. You would participate in the market by charging your electric car or using your heat pump at moments of excess energy. No, this wouldn't be a hassle as all of this can be done automatically by using an energy management system like Smappee Infinity. You would be financially rewarded when you consume electricity at times when there is a lot of renewable energy and also help keep the grid in balance. The future is all about flexibility.

Image by Karsten Würth on Unsplash.
