Drag & Drop into Place

Drag & Drop into Place

When you drag an object from one document into another while holding down the Shift key before you're about to release your mouse to drop it, the object will be placed into the exact same position. However, you need to bare in mind that this only works if both documents have the exact same dimension.

Tool Zapping

Tool Zapping

Wasn't sure how to properly name this short tip, but what I mean with zapping is when you click on a tool in the Tools panel. If you click a tool while holding down the Option/Alt key, you switch between the different tool options hidden behind that tool.

Snap to the Pixel Grid

Snap to the Pixel Grid

If you hold down the Shift key while adding a guide, or move a guide from its position, it'll snap onto the pixel grid and be placed on a rounded coordination. Also, in case you want to temporarily disable snapping (e.g. when scaling or cropping) just hold down the Control key.

Change Guide Direction

Change Guide Direction

Here's a quick shortcut you might not often need, unless you mistakenly start dragging a guide starting from the wrong ruler. If that is the case, then did you know that you can instantly change the direction of the guide while you're still dragging it by holding down the Option/Alt key?