
Veerle's Sidenotes A collection of thoughts on subjects of my interest.

July 04 2023

Sven Van Hees - Airflow

I've been an avid enthusiast of the 'chill' genre for as long as I can remember. Defining 'chill-out' can be hit or miss in many playlists, but one constant presence in mine throughout the years has been Sven Van Hees. He is undeniably the Belgian maestro of this genre. A crucial aspect of the 'inspiration' experience is being transported to a different world, and that's precisely what his new album 'Airflow' accomplishes. Each time you listen you discover a new background sound, especially with a headset. His music serves as an instigator for creativity and productivity.

Sven Van Hees - Airflow

I'm extremely happy & proud to present you my brand new album AIRFLOW! It's been one heck of a journey, probably the longest time i've worked on an album ever but I can't wait to share this one with you all.

- Sven Van Hees

This album possesses all the essential elements to establish itself as a future classic. The deep blues vocals of 'Cowasaki' combined with the Afrobeat Orchestra's chilled-out Ethiopian groove create a captivating fusion and it sets the tone of things to come perfectly.

The title track, "Airflow," along with "Beaver Fever," "Flowbama," and "Sventennial," continues the enchanting journey, showcasing divine vocals, exquisite arrangements, and dreamy guitars, all bearing the trademark Sven Van Hees' distinctive touch.

"Soulful Jazz" and funky beats take center stage in "Bear Necessities" and "Liquor all Over." The energetic Afrobeat tracks, "Afrosphere" and "Coca Cabana," have the power to ignite any beach bar with their uptempo rhythms. To conclude the album, we have "Return to Soles Bar," a homage to Sven Van Hees' cherished beach bar in the Dominican Republic. It serves as the perfect tune to wrap up an album that can only be described as pure listening bliss.

This musical Journey (best enjoyed in a hammock with cocktail) sets the sound of my summer 23! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

June 27 2023

Belgium Second Largest Food Waster in Europe!

That this bit of news went unnoticed in the media is truly astonishing. It turns out that in 2020, Flanders wasted nearly 900.000 tons of edible food, an amount sufficient to provide nourishment for over 800.000 people for a year. Unfortunately, this places Belgium near the bottom of the European rankings, with only Cyprus performing worse.

Belgium Second Largest Food Waster in Europe!

The Seriousness of the Problem

Flemish policy does not recognize the seriousness of the problem and the Court of Audit also explicitly commented on how Flanders (barely) combats food loss. Go read the report 'How Flanders fights food waste and food loss' (PDF in Dutch)

On paper, Flanders follows the international objectives and wants to reduce food loss by 30% between 2015 and 2025. According to the new figures, food loss fell by only 2% between 2015 and 2020. In practice, moreover, the main focus is on valorisation: using food waste for animal feed, to generate energy or to compost.

The food industry's impact is remarkable as evident from the analysis. The combined edible and non-edible food losses reach nearly 2 million tons. However, according to the report, 99% of this waste is repurposed for animal feed, energy generation, or incineration. While re-allocating surplus food to other sectors may be applauded, it remains an insufficient policy approach, especially when compared to our neighbouring countries. The food industry in Belgium discards 161 kg of food per person annually, whereas the numbers are significantly lower in the Netherlands (59 kg), France (29 kg), and Germany (19 kg).

Within the existing system, the production of food carries inevitable environmental, climate, and health consequences. Notably, food loss alone accounts for a staggering 8% of our greenhouse gas emissions. Ever since I began using Hellofresh several years ago (418 boxes so far), I have noticed that we no longer waste any food. That's the wonderful aspect of this system - everything is perfectly portioned, and as an added bonus, it promotes healthy eating.

Source: Bond Beter Leefmilieu 

Photo by Ella Olsson at Unsplash

June 20 2023

Hydrogen Sea - Candy

No, this isn't a part of the 'hopium' hype campaign of Hydrogen but new music from my own soil, Belgium. Prepare for a refreshing musical treat from PJ Seaux and Birsen Uçar, as Hydrogen Sea unveils their latest single. Aptly titled "Candy", this song offers a delicious addictive glimpse into their forthcoming fall album. Mark your calendars for two exciting performances: November 22 at AB and November 30 at Paradiso, where they'll showcase their new material. 

Tickets are already on sale.

"Candy" features Birsen Uçar's enchanting vocals, accompanied by lively drums, guitar, and percussion. The song is an uplifting homage to the sweet sources of joy and comfort in our lives. While embracing a carefree and cheerful ambiance, the talented duo from Brussels doesn't shy away from acknowledging the thrilling unrest beneath the surface. Collaborating with producer Luuk Cox, they effortlessly capture a lush and dynamic sound in "Candy," infusing it with a sun-soaked and happiness essence that sets the stage for a delightful start to the summer season. This little taste makes me look forward to the rest of the album.

Hydrogen Sea - Candy