How to Create a Dark\Light Mode Switch in CSS and Javascript

CodyHouse always has nice tutorials. In this one you'll take a look at how to create a dark theme for your web project, and how to switch from a default (light) theme to a dark one with the help of CSS Custom Properties.

How to Store Theme Color Preferences Using the Local Storage API

This is a follow up to the create a dark theme article I've shared earlier. Claudia Romano shows you how to save the user theme selection so that it's preserved while navigating the website.

The Story Behind Art Direction for the Web

I have Andy Clarke's 4th book on my desk ready to read but I'm too busy fighting deadlines. Here's the design story of how it all happened.

Animating SVG with CSS

Hope Armstrong has a detailed article out on how to make lightweight, scalable animations using SVGs and CSS.

Diagonal Containers in CSS

In this tutorial Sebastiano Guerriero of CodyHouse shows how to create full-width, diagonal sections in CSS using the clip-path property.