SVG Filter Effects: Outline Text with feMorphology

In this second part of the SVG Filter series I started sharing in the previous edition, you'll learn all about the feMorphology filter, how it works and how you can use it to create interesting effects. Thank you Sara Soueidan!

SVG Filter Effects: Poster Image Effect with feComponentTransfer

In this third part of the SVG Filter series Sara Soueidan teaches us how the feComponentTransfer works and how you can posterize images with this powerful SVG filter primitive.

The Motivations and Struggles Behind Redesigning my Own Website

Every web designer knows how challenging it is to redesign and maintain your own website. I sure do! In this article Owltastic shares her struggles and how she applied her own advice into her new website. Insightful!

Intro to Font Metrics

Great article/refresher that dives into font metrics and web typography for both developers and designers by Weston Thayer.