Offset Path Blob Effect in Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator Tips
Here's a really cool Illustrator trick I recently got to know. Remember the hassle of creating that perfectly rounded blob effect with two linked circles? It wasn't easy at all. But struggle no more:
Create Compound Shape
First you create two separate circles. Then you turn them into a Compound Path by selecting both and going to Object > Compound Path > Make (or you can hit Cmd/Ctrl + 8 ). Next, you go to Effects > Path > Offset Path... and enter a value that makes them overlap each other.
Add Effect Again
Now choose this effect again, and enter the same number but now with a minus sign in front. Assure you have Round selected as Joins . With Preview checked you should see the result. Click OK . Select only the smaller circle by using the white arrow. Now move the circle around and see the magic happening ! 😃