Graphic Design Link Picks
resources from newsletter #0101 & #0102
Article written on Friday, 28 Dec 2018
Question remains if you have some time during this Xmas break to enjoy this selection of resources. I think the answer is yes. I have an interesting look at the graphic art of the Incredibles 2 on offer. Learn how to create some isometric layered text effect in Adobe Illustrator. A look into Edel Rodriguez’sinvented a visual language. A research guide when starting a design system and since you have some extra time a fun game to see if you have a designers eye. Squeeze some images and how to become a stylistic typography expert in Sketch.

The Graphic Art of Incredibles 2
Read about the Graphic Art of Incredibles 2 in this extended post by Josh Holtsclaw, who joined the Incredibles 2 art department in the Fall of 2016. Inspiring!

How to Create an Isometric Layered Text Effect in Adobe Illustrator
It's beginners proof. Learn to create text, use the Appearance panel and by using a simple 3D Rotate text effect. You will learn how to add an isometric look to the text.

How the Most Iconic Illustrations of the Trump Era Were Created
For better or worse, Donald Trump’s presidency has caused an explosion of creativity. Illustrator Edel Rodriguez’s shares how he invented a visual language.

How to Create a 3D Text Art Effect in Adobe Illustrator
In the following steps, you will learn how to create a 3D text art effect in Illustrator. 3D Extrude & Bevel effect and some masking and blending techniques, it's all in there.

Do You Think You’ve Got a Designer’s Eye?
Test your skills and judge whether the dots are really in the middle of the shapes. Get all 10 correct to win the game. I've got to 6/10 first time. Time management hazard :)

Make images smaller using best-in-class codecs, right in the browser. Normally I use ImageOptim but this new one is really good in compressing images. Have been using it for two weeks.
Building Successful Design Systems
Building successful design systems with a well integrated research. A huge chunk of design process is often not mentioned, when talking about design systems; design research. Here's a research guide when starting a design system.
Reading Types Deserve the Best Type for Reading
An interesting case studio about how Pocket redesigned the reading experience for their users.
Become a Stylistic Typography Expert in Sketch
Using advanced typographic features in Sketch.